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In the beginning, Smokey, Short Story, Bear, Chico, Donny, Hawkeye,  Snake, Squire, Shorty, Yosimite and Rebel came together. Through much effort, thought and help, the Viking life style was blended with the motorcycle club lifestyle and Asgard motorcycle club was born. The Norse influence represented the sense of adventure, freedom, and enjoyment of life that all the Vikings displayed and the close brotherhood they shared. As time rolled on, we adopted a motto “BE GOOD OR BE GONE” and the learning process of to have a good brother, you must be a good brother was instilled in each of us. We grew at a steady pace and enjoyed the camaraderie of our newfound club, brothers and friends. As with all things new, we had our trials. Now to continue on the story of our journey, check out all of our website.


Beginning Gallery

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